Friday, December 7, 2007

Why I’m For Romney

With only 27 days until Iowans caucus it is time for Americans, especially Republicans, to get off the fence and support a candidate for President. Daily we are being subjected to poll after poll from some group whom most political analysts would agree they have never heard of before. Insider Advantage-R, Strategic Vision, Survey USA, Research 2000; enough already! Is there any voter in this country that is truly undecided? Between cable news and the internet we have been saturated with information, some substantial and some inane, about each and every candidate running. The excuse likely voters use to explain their undecided position is about as convincing as “the dog ate my homework”.
I made up my mind some time ago. I am supporting Mitt Romney as our next President of the United States. Throughout the many televised debates, the talking-heads on cable news, and C-SPAN, I am convinced that Mitt Romney is our best choice for leading our country forward. His experience in the business world alone makes him the best qualified candidate in the field. Add to that his role as President & CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee after the previous head left it in disarray and facing a financial crisis, which he turned around where it became one of the most successful in our country’s history.
When he was elected as governor of Massachusetts in 2002, he was able to balance the budget every year of his term without having to resort to raising taxes or increasing the debt, after he inherited a $3 billion deficit. He was able to reform the education system in order for Massachusetts students to have the tools necessary to compete for jobs in a global marketplace. This was done in a state dominated by a liberal legislature.
He understands the threat that Islamic jihadists pose to this country and the world. He publicly supports the Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He opposes the use and farming of embryonic stem-cells , expansion of access to contraceptives by children, and civil unions for homosexuals. He does not support the amnesty bill put forth by President Bush and other traitorous politicians in Washington.
Many of the other candidates in the running for the Republican nomination have called into question Governor Romney’s conservative credentials. I believe that his record in business and public life speaks for itself. Ronald Reagan is the benchmark for any conservative candidate running for high office. What Republican voters need to understand is this…….there can only be one Ronald Reagan. Governor Mitt Romney is not Ronald Reagan, but he sure comes close.