Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Johnny's Choice

When I heard the news last Friday of Johnny McCain’s selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his choice for Vice-President, my reaction was similar to most Americans. WHO?!? I was having lunch with a colleague on Friday and was trying to watch the announcement from across the restaurant. At first all I could make out was the name Palin, and I began to sing “The Lumberjack Song” in my head. (That reference probably just went over most of your heads. Look it up if you need explanation.) Now most people know that I have been a student of politics from a very young age. I tend to stay on top of both national and local issues and can usually identify the political leaders of most states. But you’ve got to hand it to good old Johnny McCain. He really surprised us didn’t he?

Throughout Johnny McCain’s campaign he has stressed his leadership experience in order to bring about real “change” in Washington. Remember that this is a 72 year old man, a cancer survivor, and was held captive for years in a brutal North Vietnamese prison. You would think that he would select as his running mate someone who could easily step in and assume the duties of the presidency if something should happen. Also remember that we are still at “war”, and if it is up to Johnny McCain that “war” will continue indefinitely. Does he really think that Sarah Palin has the experience and leadership abilities to be the commander-in-chief during a “war”? I certainly do not!

It is just laughable that Johnny McCain’s campaign has pointed out the fact that Sarah Palin, as governor, has lead the Alaska National Guard; therefore she has the experience to be commander-in-chief of our armed forces. And just the other day Johnny’s trophy wife Cindy contributed to the discussion about Palin’s foreign policy experience with this statement. “Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. It’s not as if she doesn’t understand what’s at stake here.” Wow! But wait, she has executive experience too. After all she’s been governor since way back in December 2006 and before that as mayor of the Alaskan metropolis of Wasilla. And don’t forget the one year she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Why not just select Holling Vincoeur as your running mate Johnny?

I really enjoyed seeing the remnants of the moral majority leap with joy upon her selection over the weekend. Focus On The Family’s Dr. James Dobson has been saying for months that he would never support nor vote for Johnny McCain. Now suddenly this woman, who happens to be a Christian, joins the ticket and he is now on board. I wonder if they are still overjoyed after the news about the governor’s daughter broke? (I’d really like to know Dr. Dobson’s reaction when he heard that news nugget.) My advice to Dr. Dobson and others like him is simple. Stick to focusing on families and stop focusing on Washington! The government will never tell me how to pray and the church will never tell me how to vote!

If a man with her background and credentials were selected as the vice-presidential nominee, ask yourself how would people react? Would they be falling all over themselves like they are with Miss Alaska? Does anyone remember Dan Qualye (or is that Qualy)? She is on the ticket only because she wears a skirt. Johnny McCain’s pandering to women is a desperate attempt by a desperate man to do whatever it takes to win this election. Shame on you Johnny!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John McCain...The Wrong Choice!

Last night the Republican Party took the first steps toward turning control over to the liberal/moderate-wing of the party. John McCain is not a conservative; he is what we call a RINO (Republican In Name Only). He is a crass opportunist who will say and do anything to get elected. His nomination will ensure that either Clinton or Obama will be moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue next January.

McCain has often repeated throughout the campaign that he is the only candidate who will stand up to the special interest groups. Does anyone remember the Keating Five scandal? Mr. McCain was one of five senators who, after investigations by the state of California, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Senate Ethics Committee, was found to have acted improperly at the behest of Charles Keating. Charles Keating was the chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association of Irvine, California. Mr. Keating had given a total of 1.3 million dollars in campaign contributions to John McCain and four other United States Senators, in exchange for influence in easing of the federal investigation into the Lincoln S & L collapse. John McCain’s wife and father-in-law just happened to be the largest investors in a shopping mall owned by Charles Keating at the time. Does it sound like John McCain will stand up to the same special interest groups that he took money from in the past?

John McCain also has repeated that he will do everything to ensure that President Bush’s middle class tax cuts will become permanent. However, John McCain voted against those same tax cuts twice while serving in the Senate. Which John McCain are we to believe?

In former Senator Tom Daschle’s book “Like No Other Time”, he stated that he had meetings with John McCain between April and May of 2001. What was the subject of those meetings? The possibility of John McCain switching parties and becoming a Democrat. Don’t believe me? Just ask McCain’s chief political strategist John Weaver, who first approached Daschle about the switch. So it really isn’t too surprising that John Kerry was considering naming John McCain as his VP in 2004.

So here we are in 2008 and John McCain is calling himself a true conservative, the likes of which the Republican Party has not seen since Ronald Reagan. I ask everyone not to fall for his lies anymore. John McCain never has been, nor will ever be a conservative. If he is named the nominee of the Republican Party, I would encourage all conservatives to vote third party. John McCain does not deserve our vote.